Sports Psychology Articles for Athletes and Performers

Performing Well Under Pressure

High Pressure Games

Keep Focus and Stay in the Moment What causes choking? Why do some athletes choke while other athletes rise to the occasion? No athlete likes to hear the word “choking,” let alone admit it. Yet, some athletes believe they “always choke” when the pressure is on. Choking is rooted in three sources: 1. Self-talk – If you tell … Sport Psychology Article…

Rebounding After a Bad Performance


Not Letting One Bad Game Define Your Skills How long does it take you to get over a loss or poor performance? Hours? Days? Weeks? The longer you ruminate about a bad game or lackluster performance, the more it becomes embedded in your mind. Reliving a bad game is like training your mind for a repeat performance. When you mentally … Sport Psychology Article…

Staying Motivated in Your Sport

Shooter's Mindset

How to Perform at Your Best What motivates you to perform your best in competition? What sources of motivation give you that extra boost to push in practice and training? Without motivation, you won’t accomplish much in your sport. Competing at a high level requires you to fuel your motivational tank continually. It is interesting to note that motivation … Sport Psychology Article…

What’s the Best Mindset for Playoffs?

Playoff mindset

Perform Your Best in Playoffs Does a playoff mindset mean athletes play at a higher level in post-season competition? When you think of a playoff mindset, you probably think of Kobe Bryant’s ability to hit a winning shot in the playoffs… or Tom Brady and his stellar play in the Super Bowl… or a lights-out World Series closer … Sport Psychology Article…

Self-Intimidation for Athletes

Defining Athletic Success on Your Terms

Why Athletes Feel Intimidated Do you or your athletes feel intimidated when competing against top competition? Or do you see it as a challenge to embrace? Against top-tier competitors, are you able to rise to the occasion or do you question your ability to perform well? I’ve worked with many athletes over the years that focus too much … Sport Psychology Article… Rated as Top Sports Psychology Blog


Award Winning Sports Psychology Blog Peak Performance Sports was selected by the panelists at as one of the Top 40 Sports Psychology Blogs on the web! We try to be the leading content provider of sports psychology strategies for athletes, coaches and parents. Every week, we usually post a new article for our blog readers to improve … Sport Psychology Article…