Trust in Skills

Athletes and visualization articles for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

How to Mentally Prepare For Tryouts

Performing With Trust in Tryouts Many athletes always ask me: “How do I prepare for tryouts?” With middle school and high school tryouts right around the corner, you want to be mentally ready to compete your best and not panic… Tryouts can be a stressful time for many athletes. You can feel anxious, nervous, and just plain “scared.” … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Help Athletes Stay Aggressive

Sports Psychology Podcast

Helping Athletes Overcome End of Game Pressure In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert Dr. Patrick Cohn talks with Dr. Megan Melchiorre. Do you have teams that tend to get tight at the end of a set when maybe they didn’t expect to win against the opponent and they tighten up and end up … Sport Psychology Article…

Be Decisive to Improve Sports Performance

quick decision making

Athletes Who Second Guess Themselves Making quick decisions is essential in fast moving, dynamic sports. Sports like volleyball, fencing, wrestling, tennis, etc. require fast decisions, sometimes within milliseconds, in order to be successful. Athletes who master the skill of quick, decisive decision making tend to dictate the flow of the game or match, feel in control and confident, … Sport Psychology Article…

4 Mental Game Tips To Take Your Practice Game To Competition

Trust Your Skills

Do You Lose Trust In Competition? The number one reason athletes, coaches, and parents contact me is when athletes can’t take their practice game to competition. Do you look like a star in practice, but choke up in competition? Freezing up (or what I call lack of trust) in competition is a common challenge for many athletes. Does … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Perform with Trust in Competition

Soccer Confidence Trust

Perform with a Trusting Mindset In Competition The ability to perform instinctively is critical to consistent execution in competition. The reason why you practice is so you can trust your method when its time to play. Athlete who lack trust tend to: The more you practice a skill, you’ll develop a memory (motor) program for that movement. With … Sport Psychology Article…

How Confidence and Trust Supercharge Your Mental Game

Fearless Athlete CD

Do you (or athletes you coach) excel in practice, but freeze up in competition? Do you have a hard time just being free or flow in competition? Freezing up (or what I call lack of trust) in competition is a common challenge for many athletes. If you tighten up and control your performance in competition, you lack trust … Sport Psychology Article…