Yips in Sports

Yips in Sports articles and tips for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance

Why Tell Someone They Have the Yips?

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about telling others they might have the yips? It’s not a dirty five letter word. JOHN: “Why tell someone they have the yips? Doesn’t this make things worse when you label the person as having a problem?” Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills … Sport Psychology Article…

Why Quick Fixes Don’t Work for the Yips

Sports Psychology Podcast

Do You Struggle With The Yips? In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from a disc golfer who is struggling with the yips. Dr. Cohn talks about the yips and why certain methods for overcoming yips don’t work. Listen to this month’s sports psychology podcast to learn how … Sport Psychology Article…