Improve Mental Toughness With Mental Coaching
If you’re performing great in practice and look like a star but find yourself choking in games, your mental game is holding you back. In fact, many athletes struggle with taking their practice to games because of fear of failure and other mental roadblocks. Do any of these statements sound familiar?
- I become so frustrated with mistakes that I can’t focus on the next play!
- I feel like I lose confidence when coach gives me any feedback.
- I become indecisive in game situations and get stuck or frozen by indecision.
- I wish I could play with the same confidence in games that I have in practice.
- I perform tight, cautious, or try too hard to NOT make mistakes in competition.
Improve Your Mental Game From Anywhere In The World
If you are not getting the most out of your performance at game time, it’s time to look at your mental game instead of do more reps in the gym. You can get expert mental coaching with us from anywhere in the world. You can engage in a mental coaching program via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or phone from the comfort of your home or hotel. Today’s video technology allows us to connect with athletes and coaches all over the globe.
Contact Us Today for Details or Read More
Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request details and pricing on all mental training programs. Complete the web form below or call us toll-free.
Please provide your name, email, sport and your role below:
Sports Psychology For Football – Your Mental Edge
Mental toughness coaching helps serious football players like you to uncover the beliefs and mindsets that cause you to perform under your potential. You’ll learn mental game strategies to perform with confidence, focus, composure, and overcome performance plateaus, and lack of consistency:
- Consistently take your practice into every game.
- Overcome doubts and be proactive with your self-confidence.
- Use pregame routines to raise the consistency level of your performance.
- Learn mental strategies to have laser focus and cope with distractions.
- Manage your emotions after mistakes or miscues.
Don’t spend another moment under-performing in games or failing to perform at your peak.
Customized Mental Coaching Programs
You can improve your mental game one-on-one with us in Orlando, Florida or get coaching from anywhere in the world via Facetime, Zoom, Skype, or phone.

Sports psychology coaching programs include:
- The Athlete’s Mental Aptitude Assessment (AMAP)
- A custom Mental Game Coaching Plan
- Weekly coaching sessions
- Unlimited email correspondence
- Athlete’s Mental Edge workbooks and performance boosting eBooks.
One-on-one mental coaching is the fastest and most effective method to improve your mental game, boost your performance, and make lasting changes. We have a variety of mental coaching programs to choose from. Please call us at 888-742-7225 with your questions.
Peaksports Mental Performance Coaches
Peak Performance Sports offers expert mental performance coaching with our certified mental coaches. Please click a photo below to visit the bio pages of our certified mental performance coaches.




Contact Peak Performance Sports Today
Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request pricing on all mental training programs. Complete the web form below to contact us via email, or call us toll-free.
Please provide your name, email, sport and role below:
Or call us today at 888-742-7225
What Athletes Say…
“Working with Dr. Cohn has helped me adopt the next play mentality. I’ve been able to play more decisively and commit fully to making the throw. If I don’t feel perfect, I know I can still have a good game. I thank you so much for your help.”*
~Mac Jones, Alabama Football
“I competed and started on the Rugby team here at Arkansas and had a extremely great season. Then this spring I attended the Arkansas football teams walk on tryouts and made the team and just had my first College football practice yesterday. They have me playing running back. Again thank you for all you have done. Hope you have been doing great. God Bless!“*
~Jezreel Bachert, Arkansas Football
“After going through a week of practice using your pre-kick routine, I was perfect on three field goals on a muddy field and a windy day in my final college game. Now I am entertaining the idea of trying to enter the professional ranks. Thank you for your help!”*
~Nate Littlefield, Collegiate Kicker
“Dr. Cohn, I went 3-3 for 37 yards in the first game of the season. I felt really confident all day and looking forward to more opportunity this weekend! I can definitely tell my mental state has improved from before we started working. I’m feeling great mentally and playing well in practice. I will definitely stay in touch.”*
~Kevin Davidson, Collegiate Quarterback
“I felt the time spent in your seminar was very well organized. The topics were great and you had the coaches communicating in an open atmosphere. Thanks again for your time and effort and I look forward to talking with you in the future.”*
~Coach Dave Wannstedt, Miami Dolphins
“After working with you on my mental game, the season went very well. I made all conference and an all American list and I still have room for improvement.”
~Alex Mack, college football player
*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.