Sports Psychology for Lacrosse

Play to Your Potential with Mental Training for Lacrosse

Sport Psychology for Lacrosse players

Are you (or your athletes) the best athlete on the field in practice, but under perform in games? Do you make silly mental mistakes in games? Do you get so frustrated with mistakes that you can’t focus well? If so, sports psychology for lacrosse coaching for lacrosse may be the answer.

We help lacrosse players who struggle with taking their practice performance to games. But you can improve your mindset for sports! Mental performance coaching for lacrosse can give you the mental edge and unlock you potential.

How Does Your Mindset Affect You?

  • I become so frustrated with my performance that I feel like giving up!
  • I feel like I lose my confidence when I’m in competition.
  • No matter how hard I practice I can’t seem to get results in competition.
  • I wish I could play with the same confidence in competition that I have in practice.
  • I feel like my performance is tight, cautious or that I try to not make mistakes in competition.

If the above statements sound familiar to you, then you could benefit from mental training for lacrosse programs by Peak Performance Sports.

Contact Us Today for Details or Read More

Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request details and pricing on all mental training programs. Complete the web form below or call us toll-free.

Please provide your name, email, sport and your role below:

Improve Your Mental Game From Anywhere In The World

Find a Sports Psychologist
Video Mental Coaching

You can get expert mental coaching with us from anywhere. Meet with us via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, or phone. With today’s video technology, we are able to connect with athletes and coaches all over the globe.

Get the Mental Edge – With Sports Psychology for Lacrosse

  • Uncover the mindsets that prevent you from performing your best.
  • Master the mental strategies that will help you take your practice game to competition
  • Learn how to be proactive with your confidence and overcome self-doubt.
  • Receive a customized mental game plan based on your individual needs

Our Sports Psychology for Lacrosse Programs Include

Mental Edge Workbook System
  • Athlete Mental Aptitude Profile (AMAP) to identify your unique mental game challenges.
  • Weekly mental game plan – specific exercises to improve your mental game.
  • 4 weekly coaching sessions in person or by video conference.
  • Custom mental game lesson plans sent to you via email.
  • Unlimited email correspondence with our certified mental coaches.
  • Athlete’s Mental Edge workbooks to learn the mental game between sessions.

Peaksports Mental Performance Coaches

Peak Performance Sports offers expert mental performance coaching with our certified mental coaches. Please click a photo below to visit the bio pages of our certified mental performance coaches.

Find a Sports Psychologist Near Me
Georgia Miller, ME
Sports Psychologist
Patrick Cohn, Ph.D.
Mental Performance Coach
Jaclyn Ellis, MS
Find a Mental Performance Coach
Brock McCormack

Contact Peak Performance Sports Today

Please contact us today to learn how mental coaching works and to request pricing on all mental training programs for lacrosse players. Complete the web form to contact us via email or call us toll-free.

Please provide your name, email, sport and role below:


Or call us today at 888-742-7225

Mental Training Success Stories

What Athletes and Parents Say

“He Finally Put It All Together”

“After your session, Mason had a game. He had the best game so far! He hustled, shot, no goals but two assists but he was cool with it because his focus was on shooting and not scoring (finally), defended well with his hands – finally put it all together. It was fun to watch and you could tell he felt really good about it.”*
~Kelly, Lacrosse mom

“The Sessions Have Been So Helpful”

“The sessions have been so helpful. Dawson has been playing really well and more importantly feeling great about it all.”*
~Kecia Muller, Lacrosse Parent

“Best Weekend She Ever Played”

“Michelle had the best weekend she has ever played.  I’m not just saying this because you have been working with her (I promise!). She was relaxed, did not get frustrated with herself or teammates, never once ‘shut down’ and actually smiled a couple of times. Numerous parents noticed a difference in her composure and attitude.  A college coach sent an email last night expressing interest–commenting on her level of play during the weekend. Thanks again for EVERYTHING…Michelle is in a very good place right now!”*
~Diana, Michelle’s Mother


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.