Improve Composure in Sports

Mental Game Expert to Pro Athletes Reveals
Mental Strategies that Champions Use
to Create Maximum Composure!

You Too Can Learn to Stop Performance Anxiety Quickly and Be Poised, Calm, and in Control During those “Critical Moments” that Define Your Greatness… Guaranteed!

Dear Friend,

After studying and coaching many top athletes in the world for nearly 20 years: I have discovered one of the most important mental skills for success… Composure under adversity and the ability to perform at your peak when the pressure is on!

To be more specific, the top athletes in the world are able to harness a championship mindset and earn tons of money because they are able to stay calm, relaxed, and poised under extreme pressure or when faced with adversity. This mindset allows them to perform at the very peak of their ability when needed the most.

Championship Athletes…

  • Perform with a relaxed but powerful presence
  • Are comfortable with who they are
  • Perform with passion and intensity
  • Are extremely success-driven
  • Love to perform in the “heat of the battle
  • Want the ball with 1-minute left
  • And have tons of confidence to go around

Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, and Michele Akers are all known as “gamers” because they can kick it into another level when challenged or faced with adversity.

Like some athletes you play with, the best ones love the spotlight during competition and want the ball with one minute left in the game – they know how to perform when all eyes are watching when the pressure is on.

How much better would you perform if you had that skill?

I’m master mental game coach Dr. Patrick Cohn, and as I will show you, I have a ground-breaking system to help you or your team learn this skill in just 14 days… and the best part is it only takes you 15 minutes a day!

I’m sure you have had great composure at one time in your sports career, maybe when the stakes were not so high and you could control your emotions. However, I want to teach you my system for generating composure every time you step on the field, court, or course even under the most challenging moments!

To perform your best, you must have a system to get into a composed state of mind every time you feel the pressure to produce. Most athletes and coaches don’t understand that your mind can interfere with your ability to be composed 100% of the time.

Let me highlight 8 mental breakdowns that sabotage composure using real life examples.…

Golfer Shoots for the Perfect Round

“I start my round trying to hit perfect shots and not make any mistakes. When I make my first mistake, I get frustrated and lose my confidence fast! The round is shot.”*

Swimmer Worries too Much About What Others Think

“I want so badly to impress my coach and swim well for my parents, that it causes me anxiety when I swim at meets. I self-destruct and can’t focus my mind.”*

Motocross Racers Thinks He Should Win Every Moto

“My goal every time I race is to win the moto. But when I get passed by other racers, I get frustrated and discouraged. I either have a chance to win or I just stop trying altogether.”*

Baseball Pitcher is Afraid to Fail

“I so badly what to win the game that I get tense and anxious on the mound. I start to worry about the outcomes of the game and then I throw tentatively.”*

Football Player Thinks He will Continue to Choke

“I have choked in so many big games in the past that I don’t have confidence in myself to hold it together. The moment I make a mistake, I think to myself ‘here I go again…messing up the game for my team’.”*

Tennis Player Can’t Finish Off a Match with a Big Lead

“After I get up 5-0 in the last set, I start to worry that I will blow a big lead and embarrass myself. I start to protect my lead and I let my opponent back into the match quickly.”*

Basketball Player Intimidates Himself

“During warm up, I compare my skills to players on the others team and think they are better than me. I feel intimidated by their size and speed and this cause me to worry if I can perform well against them.”*

Gymnast Can’t Let Go of Errors

“I am fine until I make a mistakes in my routine. Once I make an error, I get upset with myself and can’t forget about the error. It plays on my mind for the entire routine and I can’t perform my best.”*

How you respond in trying situations such as these
determines your success – and enjoyment level.

The top athletes in the world are not limited by these mental errors that cause composure breakdowns. Powerful strategies for learning a composed mindset can be developed, but you must first strip away the mental ball and chains that prevent you from having instant composure when you need it.

“You Are Just What I Needed”

“Patrick, with your great instruction on the mental game, I had the best nationals I have ever had. And even more important, I got through the five days relaxed and had fun – a new concept in my life! The bottom line – I got five firsts and one second! Thank you are just what I needed.”*
~Dennis O’Brien, Swimmer

“No More Negative Thoughts”

“I am a PGA Professional and wanted some ideas to help my students, but my own game has improved! I think I will shoot 69, negative thoughts have vanished, and my self-talk and confidence has improved tremendously. I will be referring my students to your web site.”*
~Bill Allen, PGA Pro

“Your Strategies Work For Students Too”

“Thank you so much for taking the time to work with our team while we were down in Florida. The tips you gave about relaxation and releasing tension before we bat or do anything was very beneficial to me. I find that I even use it during my classes at school.”*
~Ann Miller, Softball player

“Dr. Cohn is My Mental Edge”

“A big thanks to you Dr. Cohn! I just can’t get over how much of a wonderful resource you are Patrick for the mental game of motocross! Never in the history of sports have I had such an upper hand with your mental strategies!”*
~Nicky Labrecque, Motocross racer

These are actual success stories from my students and examples of what’s possible when you can tap into a winning mindset. How much better would you perform if you have total confidence and composure to perform your best in crunch-time?

Would you be able to…

  • Be the envy of your teammates for coming through in the clutch?
  • Rocket your performance to new levels with a new mindset?
  • Be the hero you want to be by scoring for your team with 1 minute remaining?
  • Break through your fear or failure and perform up to your potential more often?
  • Or enjoy sports more because you are not frustrated all the time with mistakes or not being perfect?

How do you develop maximum composure and become a crunch-time performer?

As a dedicated mental game coach, and sports psychology expert, I have studied, researched, and worked with thousands of athletes for nearly two decades. Over the course of my twenty-some years working with and studying athletes, I have complied an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:

    • Working with some of the top athletes in the world including PGA Tour winners and NASCAR winners on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports for over 15 years.
    •  Interviewing many top athletes in the world including Thurman Thomas, Michelle Akers, Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Helen Alfredsson, to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance.
    •  Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. (Visit the proshop or seminar page for details).
    •  Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia having published more articles than any other students at the time.

Now, you too can tap the same mental strategies I have used to help my students reach the pinnacle of their sports. With my help as your personal composure coach, you can quickly understand and apply the key mental game strategies to build maximum composure with the same exercises I have taught world-class athletes!

I’ve developed a system to “package” myself
as your personal mental game coach…

  •  Grabbing my best composure-building exercises that I’ve learned – the ones that really are effective with my students – to help you learn my system in a step-by-step practice workbook you use for 15 minutes a day
  • Combining a practical and real-life workbook with a step-by-step CD program that holds your hand through 14 days of composure-boosting exercises.
  • Giving your support material to help further ingrain and apply the concepts I teach to world-class athletes.

This program is called…

“The Composed Athlete:
A 14-Day Program for Maximum Composure”

My program is ideal for any athletes that want great composure or any coach or parent that wants to teach athletes to harness the power of maximum composure.

Here’s a peek at some of what you’ll learn in “The Composed Athlete:

  1. How to model your ideal composed athlete
  2. How to identify the specific mental breakdowns that impede your composure
  3. How to create powerful feelings of composure in just 15 minutes a day
  4. Break through fears and ineffective beliefs that keep you stuck in a comfort zone
  5. How to become a success-driven instead of fear-driven athlete
  6. How to get beyond self-intimidate and awaken the champion within
  7. Specific mental strategies for letting go of errors and frustration about mistakes
  8. A pregame routine to get yourself into a composed mindset from the get go.

    “A Totally New Attitude!”

    “After your session with Tyler, he is hitting Awesome! He got his first out-of-the-park home run and is scoring lots of doubles. He has a totally new attitude thanks to you!”*
    –Debbie Hartman, Tyler’s Mother

What’s in the “The Composed Athlete”?

“The Composed Athlete” is presented on two 80-minute CD’s with a 70-page step-by-step workbook that guides you through the program each day. It’s a complete system for conditioning your mind to have maximum composure in competition.

Disk 1 – helps you identify the mindsets and mental breakdowns that sabotage your composure.

Disk 2 – teaches you mental strategies to help you break free of comfort zones, fear, and self-intimidation so you can become the crunch-time performer and the envy of other athletes.

You can use these CDs at home with the practical workbook or download them onto your IPod so you can listen to them in your car or van repeatedly until the strategies are stored in your sub-conscious mind.

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you

The Composed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

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| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
Order Sports Psychology CD

I am literally giving away ALL MY COMPOSURE-BOOSTING STRATEGIES in this 14-day step-by-step workbook/CD program.

“The Composed Athlete” program consists of 2 audio CD’s that include 14 days of composure boosting exercises and a simple to follow workbook that guides you through each of the 14 days, helps you apply the strategies, and customizes the exercises to your personal crunch-time challenges and coping with pressure.

The 2 CDs and workbook guide you through
7 sections every day for 14 days…

 The Warm Up
Prepare your mind to focus with an introduction to the daily focus booster.

 Composure Clip
Learn by example by tapping into the mindset of champion athletes.

 Daily Objective
Define what you need to learn each day and set goals to achieve them.

 Daily Composure Boost
A daily confidence boosting exercise you can do in your own workbook.

 Collect Your Composure
Ingrain and deepen your focus ability each day with mental imagery and positive affirmations.

 Action Plans for Composure
Goals and specific tasks to help you take action and apply what you learn to competition and practice.

 The Composure Scoreboard
Test your understanding and application of the principles and concepts each day.

Ideal For Coaches, Parents,
and Athletes at Any Level

The Composed Athlete” was developed for any level coach, parent, or junior to professional athlete who wants to improve performance and gain a competitive edge. It does not matter if you are a fledgling junior athlete; or a seasoned professional, plagued with distractions; or you just wanting to learn how to improve your composure…

“The Composed Athlete” works because I have used these same mental game strategies successfully with my students for over 15 years!

If you have any reservations about the appropriateness of my program for a young or junior athlete, don’t worry. You can sample the program and return it if you find that your athlete is too young or not mature enough to apply the principles – for a full refund! However, we recommend parents work through the program with children aged 12 or younger.

“You Are the Best Mental Coach.”

“Your response to the throwing problem in front of the coach covers so many situations in life…that is the beauty of playing sports…the life learning experiences. Keep up the good work…you are the best mental coach.”*
~Bill Brennan, sports parent

An Investment in Your Mind

Each day athletes spend millions of dollars on expensive sports equipment and never think to invest in their minds. For less than the cost of a new golf club, you can become a crunch-time performer! I’m on a mission – I want to help as many struggling athletes as I can and make a difference in your mental game and performance right now without the need to hire me one-on-one.

What would it be worth to you – to be the go to guy or gal on your team? Should you buy a new piece of sports equipment or invest in your mental game?

You can own your personal copy of “The Composed Athlete” today for only $89.00 (plus appropriate shipping). This special program with two premium bonuses is worth at least $199 retail, but as a devoted reader, I am offering it to you at more than 50% off retail price!

In summary, with THE COMPOSED ATHLETE, you get:

  •  2 CDs packed with composure-boosting strategies that you can enjoy many times and download to your IPod so you can do a refresher course.
  •  A 70 page workbook to help you practice and apply my composure strategies, and individualize the exercises to your needs.
  •  14 Days of composure-boosters and other unique exercises to ingrain each strategy and help you better apply them to competition.
  •  A daily composure scoreboard that can be used to score your concentration powers at the end of each day’s exercises.
  •  Two additional peak performance bonuses (see below) that makes this purchase a no-brainer.

“The ‘Confident Athlete Package‘ was worth its price.
The concepts I learned are very valuable.”*

~John, Golfer

Go Ahead – Maximize Your Composure!

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

The Composed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

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| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

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| $89 + Shipping |
Order Sports Psychology CD

Act Today and Get Two Special
Bonuses to Download Immediately!

Special Bonus #1 – Start Today with Your Program!

“Growing From Adversity:
How to Stay Confident After failure”

Do you crumble and get a negative mindset after one mistake? Do you beat yourself up after a tough loss for hours after competition? If so, this report is ideal for you. “Growing From Adversity” helps you keep your confidence and composure after defeat or failure.

Download this PDF report immediately after you order and learn how to keep your confidence under adversity while you wait for “The Composed Athlete” to arrive via mail. PDF report value: $20.00

Special Bonus #2 – A One-Hour Teleclass on MP3!

Everyone is Watching Me!
How to Stop Worrying about What Others Think

A free one-hour bonus audio program of a live teleclass taught by yours truly. In the teleclass, I discuss the concept of social approval, how it stifles your composure and performance, and methods to perform without the expectations you place on yourself from what you think others think.

Begin your program today by downloading this special audio program while you wait for “The Composed Athlete” to arrive by mail.

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

The Composed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

Download Now!
| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
Order Sports Psychology CD

Money-Back Guarantee!

I stand by my work and reputation as a leading mental game coaching professional. If you are not completely satisfied with “The Composed Athlete” program, you can return the CDs and workbook (within 30 days) for a full refund, no questions asked!* And you can keep the special bonuses to boot!

What are you waiting for? Grab your copy today of my unique, real-life tested program, available to you at this low introductory price. Take advantage of this price-saving offer today!

Two Easy Methods to Place Your Risk-Free Order:

  1. The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today and immediately download your two bonuses seconds after you complete your order. Click Here to Order Now.
  2. Call toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.

Coaches: If you want every member of your team to get a copy, email or call us for a special team rate. Tell us the number of athletes you have on your team.

Teachers: If you want a copy for your entire class, email or call us for a special education rate. Tell us the number of students you have in the class.

The Composed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

Download Now!
| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
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Thank you for taking the time to read about “The Composed Athlete” – the best investment you might ever make to jump start your composure and confidence under pressure. I look forward to helping you reach your athletic goals with more composure and confidence than your can imagine.


Sports Psychology Expert, Dr. Cohn

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach

Peak Performance Sports
P.O. Box 3188
Windermere, FL 34786-3188

P.S. You can learn the same composure-boosting strategies I teach my personal coaching students for a fraction of the price. In “The Composed Athlete,” you get a step-by-step, proven system for creating maximum composure contained on the 2 CDs and my 70 page workbook shipped to your door step. Plus you get my two special peak performance bonuses all for the small investment of $89.00. Click here to order ‘The Composed Athlete’ – Guaranteed to boost your composure in crunch-time.


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.