The Composed Sports Kids CD and Workbook Program

“Discover Secrets To Help Sports Kids Let Go of Mistakes And Cope with Frustration —
In Less Than 15 Minutes a Day!

Top Sports Psychology Coach Shares Personal Coaching Secrets…

From: Dr. Patrick Cohn
(Author of The Confident Athlete Series)

Dear Parents and Coaches:

Do you feel sick and tired of or even embarrassed about your athletes’ tantrums, crying, and lack of emotional control in competition? Do you scratch your head and wonder why your kids shut down or act like The Incredible Hulk after they make just one mistake that no one notices?

I’m a sports parent and past coach. I feel for the players and coaches who have shared their personal stories–and who identify with my online videos and blog posts–about kids who lose control in competition.

I know the problems of poor emotional control firsthand as a parent:

  •  It’s frustrating when you don’t understand why your kids get so upset or frustrated playing a game they love.
  •  It’s hard to watch when your athletes destroy all their hard work and preparation and tank it or give up.
  •  It’s embarrassing to sit and witness public outbursts when kids unravel after mistakes.
  •  It’s difficult not knowing how to react to your athletes’ irrational behaviors.
  •  It’s tough when you don’t know what to do to get your kids beyond their frustration, anger, or temper tantrums. You feel helpless, I know!

My sports kid, like many of yours, had lots going for her… She had great physical talent, superior form for her age, good coaching, and top-notch potential. But all her hard work and potential in sports was flushed down the toilet when she acted out in competition as a 10-year-old.

At times, I wanted to pull the hair out of my head in exacerbation when I watched her outbursts in competition…

Imagine if you could teach your sports kids proven mental toughness lessons in composure, self-acceptance, and how to be their own best friends. How would that change the game for you and your athletes?

And imagine if the lessons they learn through sports could be transferred to your kids’ lives and enrich their chosen careers.

Parents Are Fed Up with “Self-Destructive” Behaviors

My Soccer Player Can’t Accept Mistakes

“We have had a soccer season of turmoil and much distress. We have a gifted student and athlete who has major fear of failure, a perfectionist, addicted to praise, and is uncomfortable with mistakes.”

My son is a perfectionist and can’t control his emotions when things don’t go as expected

“My 11 year old son is very much a perfectionist when it comes to sports and he will not let himself make a mistake without getting upset. If he hits a bad shot in golf, he will cry. If he strikes out in baseball, he will cry. He cannot control his emotions when things do not go well or the way he expects them to go.”*

My skater gets frustrated when learning something new

“My 10 year old daughter is a figure skater who has had a hard time controlling her emotions ever since she started skating at 4 years old. When she is learning something new, she gets frustrated because she can’t do it well at first and starts crying. But it drives everyone crazy along the way, including herself.”*

We’ve tried everything to help my son, but nothing has worked

“My son is 9. He has always been the kid that gets mad when he makes a mistake. We have tried everything to help him get himself under control. Positive enforcement, sitting out of the game, punishment, ignoring it, running, bribery, threats but nothing has worked. I wonder if he is not able to control himself, if he should even continue to play sports.”*

My volleyball player shuts down and cries. It’s breaking my heart and ruining sports for her

“My 10 year old daughter is a great volleyball player but has somehow “lost” her serve. It’s now become a vicious cycle – The more she tries, the worse she does, the more upset she gets. The more her coach and I try to reassure her or instruct her, the more upset she gets and she just shuts down, crying and sulking. It’s breaking my heart that this is ruining this sport for her.”*

My basketball player beats himself up and wants to quit

“My 14 year old son plays basketball. He is very talented, has high expectations, and if he misses shots or if he is substituted by the coach, he immediately looks at it as failure… So he beats himself up and loses confidence in himself and gets the ‘wanting to quit’ type of attitude.”*

My son’s crying drives the coaches and us parents crazy!

“I have a 10 year old son who has been playing competitive baseball for 3 years. Your model of emotional control describes him to a tee. He is very good at sports and picks them up quickly, but he is never good enough in his eyes. He can’t handle any sort of failure. His crying when he doesn’t perform to his unrealistic standards drives the coaches and us parents crazy! We have tried everything.”*

Obviously, parents and coaches are frustrated, bewildered, and going crazy with kids who shut down and throw tantrums for no good reason. Parents and coaches have shared many more stories with us. You can read more on the Ultimate Sports Parent Blog.

It’s Not Your Fault…. You’ve Probably Been Given Bad Advice

Many educators think that punishing negative behaviors, such as tantrums, crying, emotional outbursts, giving up, and sulking, is the solution for improving young athletes’ behavior.

But I have a different take on this… Athletes, coaches and parents who hold onto beliefs or myths about emotional control stay stuck in old patterns of behavior. To address kids’ negative behaviors, you must work with their beliefs and expectations about their sport.

Lack of Emotional Control is an Epidemic in Young Athletes Today!

The emotional roller coaster has to stop for young athletes… Over 43% of the parents we surveyed said their athletes struggle with letting go of errors and staying calm. Helping athletes attain emotional control and cop with errors are by far the toughest challenge for coaches and parents today.

Maybe this trend is a reflection of society or maybe sports is turning out more perfectionists who can’t cope with imperfection. Whatever the reason, I’m here to help you with my program designed to solve this dilemma…

Finally, A Proven Solution for Helping Kids Cope with Mistakes and Control Negative Emotions…

The Composed Sports Kid:
A 7-Day Plan for Helping Young Athletes Cope with Frustration

Composed Sports Kid

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

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What Are My Qualifications?

As a dedicated mental game coach, and sports psychology expert, I have studied, researched, and worked with thousands of athletes for nearly two decades. During this period of time, I have complied an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:

  •  Working with some of the top athletes in the world, including PGA Tour winners and NASCAR winners, on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports for over 20 years.
  •   Interviewing many top athletes in the world, including Thurman Thomas, Michelle Akers, Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance.
  •  Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. (Visit the Mental Training Proshop or sports psychology seminar page for details).
  •  Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia, having published more articles than any other students at the time.
  • Owning and operating two leading mental training web sites with hundreds of current members who are reaping the rewards mental game coaching brings to their performance.

Now, you too can tap into the same powerful mental strategies I’ve used to help my personal students let go of mistakes and improve composure. With my help as your personal composure coach via this program, you and your athletes quickly understand and learn how to apply the key mental game strategies so they can stay calm after mistakes and setbacks!

What Are Readers and Students Saying?

“Improvement in his Enjoyment of the Sport”

Thank you for the Composed Sports Kid online series you have put together. After going through your weekly course mid-season, we did see marked improvement in his enjoyment of the sport.  I also wanted to tell you how helpful the course was for me being a parent and being completely lost on how to help a highly competitive, sensitive, and emotional kid.  The mini goals altered his focus and helped him to be more emotionally level and he will continue to use them going forward.
~ Ralph Fleck, Sports Parent

“He Has Really Benefited From The Program”

“I recently purchased The Composed Sports Kid CD program for my son Jonathan who is 10.  He is a skilled soccer player that was having issues with loss of control on occasion during games. He has really benefited from the program. He carries himself much better these days and even talks about his composure after the game to me before talking about the goals that he scores.”*
~Dave, Sports Parent

“Treasure Trove of Practical, Insightful Information”

“The Ultimate Sports Parent is quite a find. It’s a treasure trove of practical, insightful information presented in an organized, simple format that is so easy to use. It is exactly what I was looking for to help my daughter succeed in competition, as much as she succeeds during practice. Additionally, these concepts can be applied to all areas of her life and, as her parent, I can’t stress enough how important it is to me, that she develop confidence,  and how valuable this resource is to that end. Thank you so much!“*
~Stephanie Dobbs

“Most Comprehensive and Valuable Web Sites Anywhere!”

“I think that you have one of the most comprehensive and valuable web sites anywhere! I have downloaded a number of your eBooks and have read most of your emails and have found them very useful. As a parent my number one concern is to be able to handle any situation that comes up and be confident that I am on the right path in giving my kids the best information that I can.”*
~ Sports Parent

“Thank You for Your Work”

“We really enjoy your emails and are grateful that we found your web site. It is so needed. There really isn’t much out there to guide the parent. Thank you for your work. And yes, we have passed on your web site to numerous parents.”*
~ Debbie and Peter Cooney

“Your Email Tips Helped a HS Student”

“I use your tips to help a sophomore high school student athlete. Last night, after I gave him some of your email tips – relax, get in the flow of the game, have fun, play by instinct, etc. – He busted loose for a career high 20 points and 15 rebounds!”*
~ Bob Heidkamp

“Saved Us a Lot of Unnecessary Worry”

“I must say that each tip from you is helping untangle little by little a bit of a fix that my 10-year-old daughter’s badminton had got into. Wow ! the number of mistakes we have made as sports parents. I do wish I had visited your site, before she started a competitive level last year. Would have saved us a lot of unnecessary worry.”*
~ Lopamudra

Here’s What You’re Getting!

The Composed Sports Kid system is really two programs in one–one program to train parents and coaches how to help their kids practice composure, and one program that teaches young athletes–ages 6 to 13–how to improve composure, let go of mistakes quickly, have more self-acceptance, and thus enjoy sports more! In my system, you’ll receive the following:

Composed Sports Kid

Athletes’ Step-by-Step Workbook Program (57 pages)

A simple-to-follow workbook for young athletes to help them stay organized and easily complete the daily exercises and lesson plan.

Kids are guided step-by-step through the workbook to help them stay cool, calm and collected during competition.

CD Disc #1 for Athletes. A 73 Minute Training Program

73-minute CD program just for kids that guides them through each of the 7 daily lessons and provides additional suggestions for answers on the exercises.

You can listen to the audio in the car or download it to your ipod!

Composed Sports Kid

Parent/Coach Training Manual (62 Pages)

A training manual for parents and coaches to help you guide your athletes through the daily exercises.

You’ll learn what your kids are learning and how to help reinforce the lessons.

CD Disc #2 – Parent/Coach 78-Minute Training Program

An Audio CD for Parents and Coaches that helps you understand the program lessons and transfer your knowledge to your athletes.

CD program accompanies the training manual.

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7 Easy-to-Learn Lessons for 7 Days:

The athletes’ workbook and parent/coach manual teach you and your kids 7 lessons over 7 days. Here are the composure-boosting lessons:

Composed Sports Kid – Athlete’s Workbook

  • Day 1: Are You a Composed Sports Kid?
  • (The Composed Sports Kid Assessment)
  • Day 2: How to Replace Expectations with Mini-Goals
  • Day 3: How to Focus on What You Can Control
  • Day 4: How to Be Okay With or Accept Mistakes
  • Day 5: How to Put Mistakes Behind You
  • Day 6: How to Have a Backup Plan Because Stuff Happens
  • Day 7: How to Mentally Prepare for Composure on Game Day
  • The Composed Sports Kid “Final Exam” and Contract

The Composed Sports Kid – Parent/Coach Manual

  • Day 1 – How Composed Are Your Athletes?
  • Day 2 – Helping Kids Replace Expectations with Mini-Goals
  • Day 3 – Helping Athletes to Focus What They Control
  • Day 4 – Help Athletes Have More Self-Acceptance
  • Day 5 – Helping Athletes Put Mistakes Behind Them
  • Day 6 – Helping Kids to Create a Back-Up Plan Because ‘Stuff Happens’
  • Day 7 – Helping Kids Mentally Prepare for Composure on Game Day

Here’s What Your Kids Learn Each Day:

The Athlete CD and workbook together guide your athletes through seven lessons, one lesson each day for seven days (The parent/coach manual parallels your kids workbook). I’m sure your kids have enough homework, training, and other activities to fill their day.

I understand they don’t need to spend hours and hours in therapy. Thus, I have devised very short, succinct lessons for each day, and no psychobabble:

  •  Warm-up – An introduction to get kids ready for the upcoming lesson.
  •  Today’s Mission – The overall mission for today’s lesson.
  •  Athletes’ Worksheet – Specific exercises your athletes complete to boost their composure and self-acceptance.
  •  Things to Talk About – Discussion questions to talk about with a parent or coach.
  •  Today’s Practice – Tips for how to apply today’s strategies into your athletes’ practice
  •  What Did You Notice? – A short section asking kids to assess how well they implemented the mental strategy into today’s practice.

Try My Program Today – I’ll Take all the Risk!

I’ll assume all the risk to make this a no-brainer for you. I’m so confident that you will love my program that I offer a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.

I’m willing to take all the risk. If you don’t like the program–for any reason at all, ship it back for a full refund within 30 days of your purchase date. No questions asked. Fair enough?

Composed Sports Kid

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

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You’ll Also Receive Six Special Bonuses–On Me! (Download Immediately)

Special Bonus #1:  Pregame/Precompetition Routine ($30 value)

Your athletes must apply what they learn in the program to be successful. A pregame routine is the perfect time to apply what your athletes learn. It summarizes the top mental preparation strategies and tells your athletes exactly how to mentally prepare for maximum composure during competition. You can modify the guide to fit your athletes’ needs.

Special Bonus #2: Parent and Coach Checklist ($20 value)

What should you, as a parent or coach, say and do the week of competition, before, during, and after competition to young athletes? Learn how you can reinforce the mental strategies your athletes learned so you’re part of the solution and not part of the problem!. Help your child play with composure and confidence. Download immediately!

Special Bonus #3: Parent/Coach-Athlete Contract ($15 value)

Follow through and commitment is everything in my work as a mental coach. A contract between you and your athletes will help them be accountable. The Composed Sports Kids Commitment Contract holds athletes’ accountable to apply the mental strategies they learned in this program.

Special Bonus #4: Post Performance Assessment ($15 value)

“The Composed Sports Kid” post-performance assessment helps your athletes assess their mental game and composure after each performance by asking the important questions. You’ll want this bonus to help your kids assess their own mental game based on the strategies they’ve learned in the Composed Sports Kid. Then you can help your athletes make any adjustments based on their own self-assessment.

Special Bonus #5: The Confidence-Expectation Connection E-book ($20 value)

As you athletes greater success in sports, expectations can also elevate to the point of harming their confidence. If kids don’t reach their own expectations – “I should score 10 points today” – confidence can take a blow especially when your athletes ask themselves “what’s wrong with me?” Learn how to identify and discard the very expectations that will dampen your confidence.

Special Bonus #6: How to Help Perfectionists Improve Their Confidence and Success in Competition – Audio MP3 ($35 value)

Lisa Cohn of The Ultimate Sports Parent along with myself discuss the advantages and disadvantages of perfectionism for young athletes. Learn how to helps kids cope with fear of failure, perfectionism, and improve confidence. You’ll learn how to help athletes perform their best in competition.


Let me recap–grab my program today. At any point in the next 30 days, if you are not 100% satisfied, just send us the CDs and Workbooks back, and we’ll refund your purchase. How’s that?

Thank you very much for spending the time to read about “The Composed Sports Kid.” It’s possibly the best investment you’ll ever make to help your athletes boost their composure, let go of mistakes, and have poise under adversity.

Your Mental Game Coach,

Sports Psychology Expert, Dr. Cohn

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach

Peak Performance Sports
P.O. Box 3188
Windermere, FL 34786-3188

P. S. Even if you decide to return the program, which I don’t foresee, you can keep the special bonuses! A gift from me for trying out my program. | Order Now: Digital Download || Order Now: Program Shipped To You |


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.