Improve Pregame Mental Preparation

“Learn Powerful Pregame Mental Game Strategies Pro Athletes Use to Stay Calm, Focused, & Perform with Poise.”

Mental Strategies You Absolutely Must Know to Overcome Pregame Anxiety, Fear, and Worry. Learn How to Improve Your Sports Consistency with a Proven Pregame Formula!

Dear Friend,

I’m master mental game coach Dr. Patrick Cohn. I want to share with you powerful mental strategies to help you overcome pregame anxiety and perform your best in competition.

These mental strategies are not new because I have used them successfully to help my students reach peak performance for almost 20 years. What’s unique is a new formula or system I have developed to teach every athlete and performer how to implement and apply powerful pregame mental strategies.

But allow me to set the stage with four very important questions about your mental game….

  1. Do you get so tight or tense before competition that you can’t think straight or have freedom of movement?
  2. Do you become too tight to perform your best because you worry about embarrassing yourself or making mistakes in the game?
  3. Do you have trouble sleeping the night before competition, can’t eat before you compete, or are so anxious and tense stepping onto the field, court, course, or track that you are already tired or spent before competition starts?
  4. Do you have a physical warm up routine you follow, but do not pay attention to your mental preparation before competition?

If you said “yes,” you’re not alone! Many athletes experience feelings of pregame anxiety and tension. Pregame anxiety is the number one obstacle to a relaxed and effortless performance – a quality that you must have to enter the zone!

**Note: your pregame anxiety or tension will directly impact your amount of success in sports.

As a sports psychology expert for many top athletes in the world including NASCAR and PGA Tour champions, I know that the two biggest obstacles to reaching your potential are pregame anxiety and excess tension.

Many athletes don’t even consider the importance of a mental pregame routine. Having a physical warm up is the easy part or preparing yourself to play. But you must have a pregame mental routine that helps you relax, focus, and be confident for competition.

Athletes who perform with anxiety and excess tension:

  • Worry too much about results or outcomes and tighten up in the game
  • Are afraid of what others may think about them if they make mistakes
  • Want badly to perform up to the expectations of others and worry that they won’t please others
  • Are tired even before competition starts because they are physically and mentally drained by their pregame anxiety
  • Are prone to lose confidence when they don’t know how to react to pregame jitters
  • Perform tight, scared, and lose trust in their ability because they fear mistakes or losing

For the last two decades, I’ve been working with athletes and helping them optimize their mental game strength by teaching them the secrets of top performing athletes and what I know works.

Now, you too can learn my complete system for pregame mental preparation for a poised and relaxed performance!

The ability to relax and play your game under pressure is what separates the winner from the loser in any competition. Champion athletes train hard in practice, are motivated for the right reasons, and are able to raise their game in crunch-time with two minutes remaining in the game..

Relaxed Athletes…

  • Know how to prepare themselves mentally for competition
  • Can anticipate challenges and rise to the occasion
  • Use a systematic pregame routine to help them focus their best and have complete confidence in their performance
  • Love to play in the big game and thrive under big-game pressure
  • Feel challenged instead of anxious and intimidated by the competition
  • Perform with confidence and freedom in competition

How relaxed would you perform if you could overcome pregame anxiety and mentally prepare for competition consistently?

Working with top level athletes for almost 20 years, I have learned that more practice and effort does not translate into a relaxed and free performance!

A relaxed and confident performance begins in the mind! When you are mentally prepared to compete, you can have an optimal level of intensity AND poise!

Read a few real life examples of how your mental game might hold you back from reaching your athletic potential.…

Volleyball Player Worries about Consistency

“Anxiety before a match is what I’ve been experiencing the last 2 summers of playing beach volleyball. Since my beach volleyball partner and I are both inexperienced, we have a hard time playing consistently. This is what I always worry about before a game. I never know which team is going to ‘show up’ to play. I always feel that if something starts to go wrong during the game at all, I can’t turn it around in a positive way because I was already anxious before the game even started.”*

Golfer Worries About Other Peoples’ Approval

“I play golf and I am realizing that I worry too much of other people’s approval and/or respect. I usually start out playing well, and my attitude is fine. But once I have my first bad shot, I tighten up, which of course, makes things worse. Then my focus (and confidence) is off because I am worrying about all the wrong things.”*

Swimmer Becomes Intimidated by Competitors on the Blocks

“I compare myself to my competitors before I get on the blocks. I worry that the fast swimmers will pull away early in the race. This causes me to feel anxious about the race and I try too hard to have a perfect swing. I get tired out on the first leg of the swim.”*

Hockey Goalie Becomes Stressed Over His Pregame

“I play a position in a sport where relaxation and confidence is key. I am a hockey goaltender. I used to go through a lot of stress if my pregame routine of stretching, music, and visualization doesn’t go the way I want it to. The main fear that I go through before competition is fear of failure and fear of mistakes, which sometimes continues onto the ice with me.”*

Tennis Player Worries About What Coach Thinks

“When I played college tennis, I worried a lot about performing well. I would worry about this regardless of who I was playing. Those worries did increase if I thought my opponents were better than me. I wanted my coach to see me as not only a good player, but a consistent player. I wanted my coach to see that I could manage my emotions on the court. Because of my worries, I had a hard time relaxing during play. Sometimes I would not relax until the second set. And sometimes it was too late. Frankly, I wasn’t sure how to relax!”*

Can you identify with any of these real-life scenarios?

In the above scenarios, each athlete under performs due to anxiety, worry, or fear of disappointing others. If you identify with these scenarios, your tension – or mind cramps – due to anxiety – will cause you to tighten up and lose freedom or movement and trust.

To get the most out of your skills and your practice time, you must learn how to prepare yourself for a relaxed and effortless performance.

Don’t take my word for the power of mental coaching! Listen to the audio of what others have to say about “The Confident Athlete” Programs:

What Athletes & Coaches Say About “The Confident Athlete” Programs

“Great Job of Simplifying the Myriad of Ideas in Sports Psychology”

“The workbook/CD programs in ‘The Confident Athlete Series ’ are very good. My swimmer has responded very favorably to them. In fact, her father purchased all three programs. You have done a great job consolidating and simplifying the myriad of ideas in sports psychology.”*
~Nick Baker, Peak Performance Swim Camp

“I Can Now Once Again Enjoy the Game”

“The Confident Athlete workbook programs have worked absolutely wonderfully for me!  The quality of my shots has improved 1,000 percent, and my scores are consistently lower, by far!  Also, I have a sense of peace, and quality enjoyment of the game that had been sorely missing.  I love it!  Great work Dr. Cohn! Thank You!”*
~Randy, golfer

“Great Instruction on the Mental Game”

“Patrick, with your great instruction on the mental game, I had the best nationals I have ever had. And even more important, I got through the five days relaxed and had fun – a new concept in my life! The bottom line – I got five firsts and one second! Thank you!  You are just what I needed.”*
~Dennis O’Brien, Swimmer

 “Keep Positive Thoughts Flowing”

“My son finished the entire Confident Athlete Program. The CD programs helped TREMENDOUSLY.  He used it to keep positive thoughts flowing.  He was able to focus on his fight instead of on his negative thoughts.  He fought at his very best.  We are thankful to God for leading us to your web site. The CONFIDENT ATHLETE was perfect.“*
~Wanda, Sports Parent

“These Programs Really Work!”

“I have just completed ‘The Confident Athlete and The Focused Athlete’ programs. What a major difference your programs have made to me. I was thinking I wasn’t good enough and almost gave the game up. Your web site was recommended to me by another athlete (a shooter) and was the best thing that happened to my mental game. I started to get excited for the first time in a long while and the program was so much fun to do. These programs really work and I would have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone, (although I don’t want my fellow competitors to know about them).” Thank you so very much for providing a Mental Training Program, which is the best I have come across, having tried many other tapes, books, etc.”*
~Peter, New Zealand

“A Dramatic Improvement In My Play!”

“I first purchased ‘The Confident Athlete’ to see how the program went and immediately saw results. I then purchased the rest of the Confident Athlete Series and have noticed a dramatic improvement in my level of play or should I say consistency. I currently play NCAA Division 1 baseball for Lamar University, and even my coaches have noticed a change in the way that I approach the game. My attitude and confidence at the plate. I am able to get into that zone were I am able to narrow my focus on to the task at hand. Thank you for helping in my continuing goal to mental toughness.”*
~Tylor Prudhomme

“The Most Powerful Tool I Have Used!”

“By far, The Confident Athlete Series is the most powerful tool I’ve used to perform my best. The simple and easy to use program has helped me take my game to the next level.” *
~Shaun Burrell, professional surfer

These are actual success stories from athletes and coaches who have used my Confident Athlete Series Programs. A winning mindset is possible when you accept that changes must be made and then take positive action!

If you can overcome pregame anxiety and develop a focused warm up routine, would you be able to…

  • Feel poised and relaxed about an upcoming competition?
  • Have more fun with your sport by being more relaxed?
  • Break through your fears and perform up to your potential more often?
  • Or enjoy competing because you are not a bundle of nerves or afraid to make mistakes?
  • Know you can perform well even when you feel pregame jitters?

What Are My Credentials?

As a dedicated sports psychology expert, I have researched and worked with thousands of elite athletes for nearly two decades. Over this time, I have compiled an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:

  • Working with some of the top athletes in the world including PGA Tour winners and NASCAR winners on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports – over 15 years.
  • Interviewing many top athletes in the world including Thurman Thomas, Michelle Akers, Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance.
  • Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. (Visit the proshop or seminar page for details).
  • Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia having published more articles than any other students at the time.

Now, you too can tap the same mental strategies I have used to help my students perform with poise and relaxation.

With my step-by-step practical CD/Workbook program, you can quickly learn and immediately APPLY the key mental game strategies to overcome pregame anxiety and develop a pregame routine to enter the game with confidence.

I’ve developed my CD/workbook program to “package” myself
as your personal mental game coach using the same strategies
I teach to my one-on-one mental coaching students.

My system in The Confident Athlete CD/Workbook series is a ground-breaking program to help you overcome pregame jitters, performance anxiety, and a lack of pregame confidence.

I deliver this new program based on my readers feedback and comments from athletes who have already used The Confident Athlete programs with huge success! My new program walks you through, step-by-step, using a practical workbook. And the best part – you only need 15 minutes a day!

My readers already know that my CD program is called…

“The Relaxed Athlete: A 14-Day Program for Optimal Mental Preparation”

The Relaxed Athlete program is ideal for any athlete that wants to overcome pregame anxiety, worry, or excess tension and learn to perform with poise. It’s also ideal for any coach or parent who wants to teach athletes to perform with poise and relaxation in competition.

The Relaxed Athlete” program is presented on two 78-minute CD’s with a 73-page step-by-step workbook. I combine a practical and real-life workbook with a step-by-step CD program that takes you through each day of the 14 day program.

It’s like having your own personal mental coach on your iPod or stereo.

You can use these CDs at home with the practical workbook or download them onto your iPod so you can listen to them in your car or van repeatedly until the strategies are stored in your sub-conscious mind.

Want A Sneak Peek? Download my FREE Report….

“The 10 “Deadly” Mistakes Athletes Make With Their Pregame Mental Preparation”


What’s in the “The Relaxed Athlete” Program?

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll learn in “The Relaxed Athlete:”

  • DAY 1: Finding Your Inner Relaxed Athlete
  • DAY 2: Be Mentally Prepared for Anything
  • DAY 3: Mind Training for Relaxation
  • DAY 4: Perform for Yourself: Stop Worrying About What Others Think
  • DAY 5: Give Energy to What You Can Control
  • DAY 6: Expelling Expectations that Cause You Stress
  • DAY 7: Calming Your Inner Chatter
  • DAY 8: Take Control of Your Confidence on Game Day
  • DAY 9: Rehearse Your Performance to Calm Your Nerves
  • DAY 10: Prepare Yourself to Focus on the Process
  • DAY 11: Preparing Your Mind to Win Ugly
  • DAY 12: Embrace the Pregame Butterflies
  • DAY 13: Coping with Big Game Pressure and Hoopla
  • DAY 14: Apply Mental Preparation Strategies to Your Warm up Routine
  • Appendix A: Imagery Script for Visualization

“If Only I Had Known About This Sooner!”

“I purchased ‘The Confident Athlete’ and ‘The Focused Athlete.’ Wow! You REALLY know what you are talking about! Mentally speaking – problems, difficulties, challenges, and insurmountable mountains have been washed away as a result of nothing more than following your guidance. I honestly feel myself progressing each day toward my potential! If only I had known about this sooner! Thank you so very much Dr. Cohn!”*
~Randall Estes

You get all the details about my program –
A 14-Day Plan for Optimal Mental Preparation – below.

Or You Can Get Started Right Now

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

The Relaxed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

Download Now!
| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
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in this 14-day step-by-step workbook program!

The 2 CDs and workbook guide you through 7 sections each day for 14 days…

  • A Warm Up
    An introduction to get you ready for the upcoming daily exercise.
  • Assessing Your Attitude
    A self-test to help you identify mental game challenges
  • Daily Objective
    The objective of each “Daily Relaxed Athlete Strategy”.
  • Daily Relaxed Athlete Strategy
    The primary task you will need to complete, practice, and apply.
  • Success Mottos
    A short relaxation, guided imagery, and daily mottos or affirmations.
  • Bold Action Plans
    Action plans to help you put the plan into play and apply it to your sport.
  • Mental Game Gym NEW!
    Specific drills or mental game exercises for applying the daily task to practice and competition..

Ideal For Coaches, Young Athletes,
and Professional Athletes

The Relaxed Athlete” was developed for any level coach, parent, or junior to professional athlete who wants to learn how to have a relaxed performance. It does not matter if you are a fledgling junior athlete or a seasoned professional plagued with anxiety, or you just want to learn how to teach others my secrets to developing a focused and confident pregame routine, “The Relaxed Athlete” is the cream of the crop in “The Confident Athlete” Series CD Programs.

I know for a fact that the strategies I teach you in “The Relaxed Athlete” work because I have used these same mental game strategies successfully with my students for almost 20 years!

If you have any reservations about the appropriateness of my program for a young or junior athlete, don’t worry. You can sample the program and return it if you find that your athlete is too young or not mature enough to apply the principles – for a full refund! However, we recommend parents work through the program with children aged 12 or younger.

Investing in Your Mind Can Yield
Big Returns in Your Performance

I love to work with athletes, one-on-one, and am happy to help you with a personal coaching program. But working with me in person isn’t within everyone’s budget ($1500.00 per day). That’s why I created “The Relaxed Athlete” Program, so that anyone can have access to powerful mental toughness strategies I use when working with athletes one-on-one!

“The Relaxed Athlete” program provides everything
you need to uncover the source of your anxiety
and perform consistently with freedom and poise.

What would it be worth to you – to enjoy your sport again and learn how to perform better in the big games? You can, of course, try to work harder or try harder in competition and hope that your worries disappear. A better option is to be proactive with your mental game by learning mental strategies that have worked for my personal students, for a fraction of the cost of what they pay me.

You can own your personal copy of “The Relaxed Athlete” today at a special introductory offer price of only $99.00 $89.00 (plus shipping). This special program with premium bonuses is worth at least $199 retail, but as a devoted reader, I am offering it to you at more than 50% off retail price!

We only produced a limited number of copies in the first printing and I’m certain these will sell really fast just like the others programs in The Confident Athlete Series.

In summary, with THE RELAXED ATHLETE, you get:

  •  2 CDs packed with poise-boosting strategies that you can enjoy many times and download to your iPod so you have a refresher course once a month.
  •  A 73-page workbook to help you learn, practice and apply my mental game strategies, and individualize the exercises to your needs.
  •  14 days of unique exercises and actions plans to commit to each strategy and help you take action immediately.
  •  A daily exercise to assess your progress and test how well you are engaging with the actions plans.
  •  Four additional peak performance bonuses (see below) that make this purchase a no-brainer – packed with value.

Learn Powerful Mental Strategies to Maximize Your Performance!

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

The Relaxed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

Download Now!
| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
Order Sports Psychology CD

Act Today and Get Three Special Bonuses
A $135 Value – Download Immediately!

Special Bonus #1 – A Self-Respect Letter!

“Unconditional Self-Respect Letter to Myself”

A form letter on a Word or PDF document that you can modify for your sport and situation. This letter helps you accept yourself unconditionally without regard to success or achievement in sports. Bonus value: $15.00.

Special Bonus #2 – Post-Performance Assessment!

“The Relaxed Athlete Post-Performance Assessment”

“The Relaxed Athlete” post-performance assessment helps you assess your pregame and competitive attitude after your performance. You’ll want this bonus to help you identify weaker parts of your pregame attitude and continue to stay on top of your mental training for relaxation. Bonus value: $15.00.

Special Bonus #3 – Sports-Specific Pregame Routines!

“The Relaxed Athlete – Pregame Routine for My Sport”

Get a custom pregame routine guide for your sport! Yes, that’s right, a custom pregame routine that you can then modify further for your preferences. We currently have available golf, tennis, triathlon, hockey, motocross, ice skating, and softball pre-competition routines. You can modify these further based on your needs. Don’t see your sport listed here? You can contact us and we’ll work with you to develop a custom pre-competition routine guide! This bonus alone is worth the cost of the program! Bonus value: $70.00.

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

The Relaxed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

Download Now!
| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
Order Sports Psychology CD

“The Doc Stands Behind His Work”
Money-Back Guarantee!

I stand by my work and reputation as a leading mental game coaching professional. If you are not completely satisfied with “The Relaxed Athlete” program, you can return the CDs and workbook (within 30 days) for a full refund (less shipping cost), no questions asked!* And you can keep the special bonuses to boot!

*Guarantee applies only to a single purchase of “The Relaxed Athlete” Program. This offer is not valid with purchase of any of the package offers or if you have previously purchased a one of The Confident Athlete programs. Why? Because you already know these program work!

What are you waiting for? Grab your copy today of my proven, real-life tested CD program, available to you at this low introductory price.

Two Easy Methods to Place Your Risk-Free Order:

1. The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today and immediately download your two bonuses within seconds after you complete your order. Click Here to Order Now.

2. Call toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.

Coaches: If you want every member of your team to get a personal copy, email or call us for a special team rate. Tell us the number of athletes you have on your team.

Below, you can order the digital download version or have the program shipped to you.

The Relaxed Athlete

Digital Download CDs & Workbook

Download Now!
| $79 Digital |Order Sports Psychology CD

Shipped to you!
| $89 + Shipping |
Order Sports Psychology CD

Thank you for taking the time to read about my latest program, “The Relaxed Athlete” – the best investment you might ever make to overcome pregame anxiety, learn to develop a focused pregame routine, and perform with poise.

I look forward to helping you reach your athletic goals with more pregame confidence, focus, and poise.


Sports Psychology Expert, Dr. Cohn

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach

Peak Performance Sports
P.O. Box 3188
Windermere, FL 34786-3188

P.S. You can learn the same tension-busting and pregame routine strategies I teach my personal coaching students for a fraction of the price. In “The Relaxed Athlete,” you get a step-by-step, proven system for creating optimal mental preparation contained on the 2 CDs and a copy of a 73 page workbook shipped to your door step.

Plus, you get my three special peak performance bonuses all for the small investment of $89.00. Order today – Guaranteed to turn you into a Relaxed Athlete and improve your pregame mental preparation!


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.