
10-Minute Pregame Prep Audio Program

“10-Minute Pregame Prep” will teach sports kids how to manage the expectations they feel, cope with pregame pressure, and take charge of their confidence before a game or competition–in just 10 minutes a day! You receive 8 simple mental game lessons for kids on MP3 and 8 PDF workbook lessons for parents.

Mentally Tough in The Face of Bullies

Some kids have to deal with being bullied by other athletes, or even coaches! In this program, sports parents, coaches, and their young athletes learn mental game strategies to cope better with bullies. One Audio and workbook program teaches parents strategies for understanding and stopping bullying in sports.

Confident Sports Kid Picture Books

It’s never too early to educate young athletes on mental game principles that will help instill confidence and success in sports. Dr. Patrick Cohn, author of The  The Confident Sports Kid series, brings a new line of educational and fun picture books. Our new series of sports psychology picture books are available to download–for ages … Read More

Helping Young Athletes Kick Perfectionsim

Parents and their kids learn how to overcome perfectionism and fear of failure—the number one mental game challenge for kids in sports today. Once your kids conquer perfectionism in sports, you’ll find that they’re likely to perform more freely, intuitively, and spend less time avoiding mistakes.

The Ultimate Sports Parent Audio Program

As the parent or coach, learn how young athletes overcome the top challenges they face, as well as the top “mental game” challenges that cause anxiety for sports parents. You and your young athlete will learn just what it takes to cultivate confidence, focus, and composure in sports. Learn how to support kids in sports!

The Focused Sports Kid Audio & Workbook

“The Focused Sports Kid” helps sports kids who get easily distracted and can’t maintain their focus in competition. In this program, you and your athlete learn concentration-boosting strategies to help young athletes develop laser focus during competition. Audio/CD and workbook for both Athletes and Parents.

The Composed Sports Kid Audio & Workbook

This simple-to-follow workbook and Audio program for young athletes and their parents helps kids cope with frustration and anger in sports. Each of the 7 daily lessons provides step-by-step suggestions to help athletes let go of mistakes. Parents can help their kids with the information in their own Audio and manual, too.

The Confident Sports Kid Audio & Workbook

In this Audio program, young athletes and their parents learn about improving confidence in sports, such as managing expectations, and other confidence-destroyers such as doubt. The workbook and CD guide kids, step-by-step, through 7 daily lessons. Also included is a CD and manual for parents or coaches.